Let’s Get To Work

Ready to enter the workforce? 

Many people in our community find themselves ready to launch their careers, but just not sure how to get started. At JobMap, we provide direction and critical services, so you’re all set to jumpstart your career.


Career Counseling

At JobMap, our counselors work with you to discover the career that suits your skills and lifestyle needs. We conduct aptitude tests, explore your interests, and discuss your career goals, so together, we can find that perfect job.


Educational Courses

We offer brief educational courses throughout the year to assist clients in gaining employable skills. Our courses feature in-demand topics like Quickbooks certification, Microsoft Office certification, and Amazon e-commerce skills.


Job Placement

Now’s when we really get to work. We harness our network of employers and your polished resume and skills to help you land the job that works for you.

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Discover Your Path To Success

You can find a JobMap center in:

Borough Park ⋅ Williamsburg ⋅ Crown Heights
Gravesend ⋅ Far Rockaway

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